Shutterstock Integration Revised
3 minutes read

Creating great visual content requires high-quality imagery. That’s why we partnered with Shutterstock, the world’s leading stock image library, to provide you access to a large variety of high-resolution photos that you can use to unlock limitless creativity and create outstanding designs. 

Starting today, Creatopy’s image library has become richer and more functional with the addition of Shutterstock images that can be customized however you want.

How Does The Shutterstock Library Work?

To find the Shutterstock images, go to the Editor, click on Elements, and select Shutterstock

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There are 20 million exclusive premium images available in this section, so you can go ahead and search for the right picture and drag & drop it to your design. Then, crop any picture, apply filters, and adjust the opacity level if you seek a specific style and look. 

While in editor and preview mode, you will notice a watermark on your picture. The watermark will disappear after you download your design.

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The stock image library has an advanced search and filtering system to help you find the right picture for your needs. You can sort images by relevance, category, orientation, color, and many other characteristics. In addition, the search can identify misspelling, so you’ll always retrieve the best search results. 

Shutterstock Filters

What Further Benefits Does The Shutterstock Library Bring?

Creatopy’s image library is the perfect solution for those seeking to create display ads and other types of visual content without dealing with copyright issues or enormous costs. 

The added benefit of being a Creatopy user is that there’s no need to browse external websites to search and find the right picture. 

What’s more, you won’t have to pay anything extra when using images from the Shutterstock library. Everything’s already included in your subscription. 

The high-resolution Shutterstock pictures will look sharp regardless of their purpose. You can set them as a background or simply add them as a layer to your design, and they will look just as good. The images are compatible with all exports, including the PDF format. 

With this integration, we aim to help you save time and be more efficient by providing the best resources in one place. Your audience has seen it all, so it’s time to make your visual content stand out by using relevant, sharp-looking images.

Now that we have given you a bit of an insight into the Shutterstock integration give it a try by starting a free trial.

Shutterstock Integration CTA Revised

Adrian Chimsac
Product Marketing Manager at Creatopy. Passionate about caring for nature and the environment, as well as spending time outdoors. Always trying to see the good in people.

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