There’s a Card for That! 30+ Greeting Card Templates You Can Use Right Now
6 minutes read

With digitalization reshaping the face of most industries, one could assume that the greeting card industry is slowly dying or falling short of money, but this is not at all true. Americans alone buy about 6.5 billion greeting cards per year.

Despite all the email and messaging alternatives, greeting cards are still around, more personalized and hip than ever. 

Everyday Greeting Card Templates

There are many special occasions for you to show some love and appreciation, so keep on scrolling to get the most popular, non-seasonal greeting card examples and templates:

💡 Create your greeting cards with our online card maker, starting from any of the templates listed below.

Birthday Cards

Birthdays are celebrated all across the globe. The basic birthday kit has a party, a cake, presents and many birthday greeting cards⁠—so no wonder birthday cards are everyday top-sellers.


Thank You Cards

It’s not just about saying “Thank You” but how you say it. The more relatable and personalized a card, the more impact it’s likely to have. Ecards gain a few plus points here, allowing you to customize them as much as you want.



Love Cards

Love comes in many many shapes and sizes, and so should love cards. Make someone happy by expressing your feelings in an authentic way.


Wedding Cards & Invitations

There’s something special about wedding cards and invitations. They are an essential part of planning a wedding because they help attendees prepare for the event and set the overall mood.


Baby Shower & New Baby Cards

The arrival of a baby is an exciting event. Welcome the newborn properly and add to the parents’ joy by creating a beautiful card.



Congratulations Cards

When congratulations are in order, you have to get creative as the occasions are many and diverse. Be it a new job, graduation, or reaching a not-so-usual milestone, you can always congratulate your friends and family with some top-notch personalized cards.



Welcome to the Team Cards

New beginnings and first days are not always that easy. Make someone’s first day better by handing them a “Welcome to the team!” card.


New Home Cards

New beginnings are exciting, so when your loved ones move to a new home, make sure to send them a cute, personalized card.


Get-Well Cards

There are times when a simple card can genuinely lift one’s spirits. The “Get well soon!” cards are a nice gesture to let those around you know that you care.


Good Luck Cards

Writing good luck cards can be a great way to deliver your best wishes to someone that is about to start a new journey.


Retirement Cards


Travel Greeting Cards

Share your travel experiences with the loved ones by sending them some beautiful cards. Plus, if you opt for online cards, you don’t have to worry about finding a post office.


3 Quick Facts About Greeting Cards

1. Greeting Cards Are Still Around Thanks to Millennials

Remember how you used to stack an impressive collection of greeting cards on every special occasion? Millennials do, as they are the cohort that breathes life into the greeting cards industry. They are also willing to spend extra for quality and have a soft spot for personalized, relatable cards.

2. Digital Greeting Cards Are on the Rise

More and more consumers are looking for practical, eco-friendly alternatives to express their emotions and opt for digital greeting cards

Ecards, or online cards, have been around since the beginning of the internet, and it’s easy to understand why. Usually sent out via email or text messages, online cards are also supported by popular social apps, such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

What’s not to love about online cards? Besides always getting delivered on time, online cards are:

  • cost-effective
  • easy to customize
  • convenient and accessible
  • diverse (design-wise)
  • eco-friendly

3. Ecards Can Reduce Paper Waste


Choosing online cards over traditional greeting cards is a small yet relevant step towards reducing paper waste.

Each year, the average American uses about seven trees for paper, wood, and other items. This translates into roughly 650 paper pounds per person each year. In 2017, no less than 1,144,800 tons of paper and cardboard waste ended up in the landfill, out of which only 50% was recycled.

Becoming environmentally conscious is a thorough process. Still, it can start with small, yet impactful changes such as cutting back on everyday paper waste generated by traditional mails, newspapers, magazines, and cards.

I hope you found these card templates inspiring.

Remember, simple things are worth celebrating too!

Diana Bolboaca
Passionate about creating meaningful connections and partnerships. When not swapping emails, I chase contemporary art and consume what most people would define as “too much music”.

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