Saijo George Bannersnack Interview
3 minutes read

Today we’re going to welcome Saijo George on our blog. 

He is one of the top SEO consultants in Melbourne, where he co-organizes the monthly Melbourne SEO Meetup with a focus on building relationships with other entrepreneurs interested to discuss about breaking news on creating digital strategies, content marketing, growth hacking, social media and of course SEO.
He has a Masters of Information Technology (LaTrobe University), he’s a self-taught SEO and marketing professional and he was kind enough to answer some of the questions we have gathered for him.

George agreed to talking about obstacles you face as a self taught SEO and marketing professional, advertising predictions for 2016 and some side projects.

Official website:

Twitter: @Saijo_George



So, you’ve gathered on your website the most important tools to build anything from websites to logos, banners and logos.

Where did this idea come from?

I was slacking off at work watching videos of cats and stuff and somehow landed up on this video about Storytelling by Ira Glass. ( You can watch more of the interview here ).

That video changed my life. It was then that I decided to make stuff, it’s been a great learning experience for me working with different people and technology to get things out there.

SEO Tools


I started with my list of SEO tools and slowly expanded to other projects.


You’re a self taught SEO and marketing professional – and probably you had to test a lot of things. What was the hardest in the beginning and how did you overcome it?

Most SEOs (or people in any profession for that matter ) will have great ideas they want to try out but when you want to do it for an organization it usually loses steam somewhere up the chain of command. You face questions like does the well known brand XYZ do it?

Probably not, but in your guts you know that it has potential.

Side projects are the way to go for this. A fun CSS Puns project I did got a lot of attention online and once you can start showing the value of something like this, decision makers are usually willing to pay more attention to you.
As a SEO consultant you have to be both creative and mathematic – how do you keep that in balance? 

I am still figuring that out. With data you might start to overanalyze things, in some situations it might make sense to go with your instincts.

That does not mean you should not track performance and ROI. 


Could you make some predictions about Display advertising for 2016? 

I am not someone who should give advice to people on display advertising. My 2 cents : ad blockers, native advertising, walled content ecosystems like Google AMP, Facebook Instant Articles etc will have a big impact on the display advertising space.


You have a couple of projects – considering fields from website builders to paid advertising, SEO, native advertising and even brand style guides.

How’s this across-industry knowledge base helping you as a marketer? 

It helps connecting with passionate people from a wide range of industries and that helps me stay on top of all the things that make the digital marketing industry tick.


Our classic question of them all: Tea or coffee? 

If you know me IRL you would not ask me that.

For the record it’s coffee.



Daniela Fantaziu
Digital Marketer & Growth Hacker.

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