A/B testing
A/B testing (often known as split testing) compares two variations to determine which one performs better. For example, you take one of your web pages and you create a second version of it where you make certain changes. Changes can be in the headline, the CTA button, or even the entire design of the page. After, you will show the original version of the page to half your visitors and the modified version to the other half. Depending on what you are testing, you can see which webpage got more interactions or conversions and choose the one that brought the best results.
Even in life we do A/B testing without even noticing. Share on XAccelerated delivery
Accelerated delivery is a way of showing your ads more frequently until you reach the budget limit. If the budget is spent early in the morning, your ads can stop showing. For example, if you own a coffee shop, you can use accelerated delivery because most of your customers will come to buy a coffee in the morning. With accelerated delivery, all your ads will be shown more in the early hours of the day than later in the evening. To be more precise, the ads will stop showing once you’ve reached the daily budget allocated for the day.
Accelerated delivery can bring the success of your product. Share on X
Accessibility is a measurement of a user’s ability to use a product or a service with ease. By integrating accessibility in your product or service, you enable people with different abilities or disabilities to understand and interact with what you offer.
Accessibility is the key to helping anyone use your products or services. Share on XAccessibility allows us to tap into everyone’s potential.” – Debra Ruh, CEO and Found of Ruh Global IMPACT
Account-based advertising (ABM)
Account-based advertising targets a specific audience with the most revenue potential and focuses more on exposure quality rather than lead quantity.
If you are focusing your marketing strategy on working with influencers, finding advocates for your product, then you are using account-based advertising. Share on XAcquisition
The acquisition is the process of bringing new customers and growing the user base. It can be a lengthy process in some cases because you have to get people’s attention and then show them the value you’re providing.
To acquire more customers, you need to build a funnel around your strategy. Share on XActive view
The active view is a measuring instrument used in online marketing to assess the ad visibility to potential customers.
Thanks to the active view, you can measure if your ad is visible to potential customers. Share on XRead more: The ABCs of Ad Viewability – How to Make Sure That Your Ads Are Seen
Ad audience
The ad audience is represented by potential consumers who are most likely interested in buying your product or service so you should address your ads to them.
Your ad audience equals your target audience. Share on XAdblocking
As the name says, ad-blocking prevents web advertisements from appearing on a web page. If you use an ad blocker, ads won’t be downloaded in the browser, and the web pages will load faster.
No more web advertisements if you use an ad blocker. Share on XRead more: Ad Blocking VS Banner Ads – Display Advertising Landscape
Ad bundle
Ad bundle combines more products/services into a single unique product or service that you advertise and sell as one. To better understand an ad bundle, let’s say you want to buy your favorite face cream from Kiehl’s. The brand now has an offer in which your favorite face cream comes together with three other skincare products at a very good price. These four skincare products together form an ad bundle.
Ad bundles can help you sell more products. Share on XAd call
An ad call is the same as an ad request meaning a site requests an ad from an ad server.
Ad call refers to a site requesting an ad from an ad server. Share on XAd dimension
Ad dimension refers to the weight and height of an ad measured in pixels.
By knowing the weight and height of an ad in pixels, you find the ad dimension. Share on XAd exchange
An ad exchange is a digital marketplace where advertisers can auction, buy or sell advertising space or display, video, and mobile ads. Unlike ad networks, ad exchange doesn’t need an intermediary.
Ad exchange facilitates the buying and selling of digital inventories. Share on XAd extensions
Ad extensions are extra pieces of information that are shown on Google about your product or service. These can refer to store location, phone number, or a link to a page from your website.
Ad extensions can be extremely useful for potential customers that want to contact you right away. Share on XAd impressions
An impression is a metric that quantifies the number of times your ad has been viewed.
Each time your ad is shown on a search result page or other sites, you gain an impression. Share on XNobody counts the number of ads you run, they just remember the impressions you make.” – William Bernbach, American Advertising Executive and Copywriter
Ad inventory
The total ad space that each publisher has available to sell is called ad inventory.
Ad inventory means the ad space a publisher has for sale. Share on XAd network
An ad network includes all the available ad space across many publishers and sells it to advertisers.
An ad network is an intermediate between advertisers and publishers. Share on XAd ops
To ensure online advertising sales and delivery, you need ad operations for specific processes and systems.
Ensure online advertising sales and delivery with ad ops. Share on XAd ops manager
As the name says, an ad operations manager has to lead an ad ops team specializing in serving, targeting, optimizing, and reporting the performance and traffic of online ads.
A well-disciplined and organized ad ops manager should lead your ad ops team. Share on XAd pricing model
An ad pricing model is a method through which a publishing platform charges an advertiser for the display of ads. The most common pricing models are CPC (cost-per-click), CPM (cost-per-mille), and CPA (cost-per-action).
An ad pricing model refers to how an advertiser pays for advertising. Share on XAd rank
The order in which your ads appear in the search results is called an ad rank. Also, ad rank determines if your ads are eligible to be shown.
Even ads have their rank. Share on XAd rate
When excluding the shipping and sale taxes, you remain with the product’s final sale price. Well, an ad rate is a percentage of the final sale price.
A percentage of your sale price without shipping and taxes is called an ad rate. Share on XAd request
An ad request occurs when a site requests an ad from an ad server.
Even ads make requests. Share on XAd server
Ad servers are automated servers, and their purpose is to store all advertising content used in online marketing and make instant decisions about what ads to show on websites, social media platforms, and apps. Furthermore, they collect and report data for advertisers to monitor the performance of their ads.
An ad server is an automated server that stores advertising content used in online marketing and delivers it on websites, social media platforms, and apps. Share on XAd serving fees
Ad serving fees are charges for running an ad. Ad serving costs include fees to ad servers and to ad agencies for booking an ad space.
With the growing popularity of online advertising, the ad serving fees will rise. Share on XAd slot
Ad slot refers to the space on a webpage where the ad will be displayed.
Ad slots show you where your ad will appear on a webpage. Share on XAd space
Ad space represents the area destined for an online ad on a website.
The area on a webpage available for advertisements is called ad space. Share on XAd specs
As the name says, ad specs refer to an ad’s dimension, format, and size.
Ads come in different sizes, formats, and dimensions. Share on XAd tag
An ad tag is a piece of HTML code that you can copy and paste into the webpage in which you want to display advertising.
An ad tag is the HTML code a browser uses to fetch an advertisement from an ad server. Share on XRead more: Everything You Need To Know About Ad Tags and Click Tags
Ad trafficker
When it comes to managing all the materials involved with online advertising, such as uploading ads, troubleshooting ads, and generating ad metrics, an online ad trafficker is needed as this is its role.
Ads need an ad trafficker to ensure everything is working properly. Share on XAd trafficking
Ad trafficking is the action an ad trafficker takes, such as ensuring ad placements, collecting data, generating reports, and making sure the ad campaigns have the right setup from the technical point of view. The aim of ad trafficking is to maximize the reach and get many visitors to the landing page by having a great campaign set up.
The ad traffickers have extensive knowledge and skills to attract audiences and generate conversions. Share on XAd unit
An ad unit is a placeholder for an ad on a website or on an app. Ad units can be banner ads, interstitial ads, rewarded video ads, offerwall ads, and more. An ad unit contains the ad code used to call ads from the ad server then serve it to users.
Setting up ad units is important for ad optimization success. Share on XAd weight
The ad weight measures how often an ad should appear on a digital platform compared to other ads from the same set.
The ad weight indicates how often an ad should appear relatively to other ads from the same pool of ads. Share on XAdChoices
AdChoices is a program that includes an advertising option icon on any ad where data is collected and further used for advertising. Therefore it gives consumers control of how the data is collected.
You don't want to be influenced by behavioral advertising? Then you can try AdChoices. Share on XAdSense
AdSense is the way to earn money from your online content if you are an online publisher, as AdSense will be matching your content based on the people following you with ads created and paid for by advertisers.
If you want to be paid for the ads showing up on your website, you should try AdSense. Share on XAdvergame
Advergame is a form of advertising in video games. The product or service is advertised with the help of a game that is specifically designed for it. In general, the games are for free and the users enter voluntarily. Some brands even establish rewards for their players such as discounts or prizes on products.
Creativity is at the heart of advergames. Share on XAdvert
An advert is short for advertisement and refers to the promotion of a product or a service in order to generate more brand awareness, conversions, and sales.
The advert is short for advertisement and can be seen everywhere you look. Share on XAdvertiser
An advertiser is in charge of advertising a product or a service.
Advertisers do their best when they promote a product or service. Share on XAdvertising
Advertising represents a means of communicating with your audience about your products or services using paid techniques. Its purpose is to raise awareness or increase sales.
Advertising can help you get creative while promoting your products and services to your target audience. Share on XAffiliation
Affiliation defines the connection or relationship of someone with another group, organization, or company.
You can double your ideas, creativity, and inventiveness when you affiliate with different companies. Share on XAgency
An agency is an organization that provides a service on behalf of another person or company.
We cannot do it all. Sometimes, creative agencies can help by coming up with fresh ideas and perspectives. Share on XAlt tag
The alt tag is an HTML attribute that describes an image so that search engines will know how to interpret them.
If you don't use alt tags for your visuals, you could potentially miss out on an important source of organic traffic from Google images. Share on XAnchor ad
An anchor ad is an overlay ad that remains at the bottom of the webpage no matter how much you scroll.
The anchor ad is a relevant name for these ads as they remain on the bottom of a web page, just like an anchor. Share on XAnchor text
Anchor text refers to the clickable text with a hyperlink attached to it. It’s used to link relevant sources to certain keywords in your content.
An anchor text makes your articles more reliable and adds credibility to the facts you’re including. Share on XAnimated GIF
An animated GIF is represented by several images displayed one after another and creates a sense of motion.
Animated GIFs make your ad more appealing because of the movement. Share on XRead more: What is a GIF banner ad?
Above the fold (ATF)
ATF or Above the fold refers to the viewable space on a website without scrolling down. The ads placed above the fold are the ones that are considered more valuable and they have a higher likelihood to be seen and clicked on by visitors.
For more visibility, try to place your ads above the fold. Share on XAbove the line (ATL)
ATL or above-the-line marketing means that an ad of a product or service will have a wide reach and it doesn’t address a targeted group. The techniques used in above-the-line marketing are billboards, TV commercials, radio ads, and print ads. The goal is to raise awareness and visibility fast.
Do you want to reach a wide audience? Then use ATL marketing. Share on XAttention
The purpose of your banner ads is to attract the users’ attention. Attention is what makes the difference between an internet user watching your ad and someone else’s.
Nowadays, it may be harder to draw your audience’s attention, so you need to get creative when communicating about your products or services. Share on XAttribution
Attribution in marketing refers to how marketers assess the value of the channels which helped them connect to potential customers.
Attribution helps determine which marketing tactics contribute to sales or conversions. Share on X
Business-to-business (B2B)
Business-to-business refers to a situation in which there’s a commercial transaction between two businesses. This term is often put in contrast with B2C (short for business-to-consumer).
B2B marketing is key to helping you become more visible to attract more businesses. Share on XBusiness-to-customer (B2C)
Business-to-consumer (B2C) refers to a situation in which a company makes a commercial transaction directly with the consumer.
B2C means that a business sells products or provides services for consumers. Share on XWhether you’re in the B2B or B2C sales side, your business is now, without a doubt, a media company as well. – Mitch Joel, Author of Six Pixels of Separation and CTRL ALT Delete, Professional Speaker
Banner ad
A banner ad is a form of advertising placed on a webpage and it can consist of an image or multimedia object. It’s been used since the early days of the web and its main purpose is to drive traffic from the host website to a specific landing page.
A banner ad is a popular form of advertising placed on a webpage. Share on XBanners have 99 problem and a click ain’t one. – Scott Sorokin, Managing Director at EY
Banner blindness
Banner blindness refers to users’ behavior to consciously or unconsciously ignore elements on a webpage that they perceive as ads. Today people are so overwhelmed by the various forms of advertising that they almost block anything that is remotely similar to it. We bet it happened to you too to enter a website, read the information you needed, and not see the banners above the fold and on the sides.
Banners are everywhere, which is why you'll need a good one to make your audience pay attention to it. Share on XBehavioral advertising
Behavioral advertising is a technique that gathers information about a consumer’s browsing behavior to provide them with the best fitting ads. The Facebook advertising network tracks a consumer’s website visits and sees that they visit mountain gear sites. The network will assume that the user is interested in outdoor activities and will target them with ads related to organized hiking sessions in the mountains, sales on mountain shoes, bracelets with mountain designs on them, etc.
You can use the behavioral advertising technique to target your audience based on their interests. Share on XBehavioral segmentation
Behavioral segmentation is how customers are divided by their shopping behavior and how they make their decisions. For example, most people start buying presents for their loved ones when Christmas is approaching. It’s the perfect time to practice the behavioral segmentation method (based on the Christmas holiday) to show people what you sell as they are more likely to buy your products or services.
Behavioral segmentation is a process that helps you divide your customers based on how and why they buy certain products or services. Share on XBehavioral targeting
Behavioral targeting is a technique where data, such as search terms and site visits, is used to display relevant ads and strengthen advertising campaigns. Let’s say that Mike reads book reviews, watches book launches, visits different book sites, and subscribes to several newsletters. All this information is gathered by an ad network and builds up Mike’s profile. Then, the ad network will display ads across the web about the books he is interested in at lower prices. This is an example of behavioral targeting.
Behavioral targeting is a technique where customer data is used to display relevant ads. Share on XBenchmarking
Benchmarking is a process in which you measure your products or services against those of your competition.
Benchmarking helps you figure out where your business stands compared to the competition. Share on XBillbord
Billboard refers to a large outdoor board where advertisements are displayed.
Billboards—there is no way you've never seen one. Share on XMake it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. – Leo Burnett, Founder of Leo Burnett Worldwide
Bing Places
Bing Places is a business directory where you share information about your business on Bing’s search engine. It is similar to Google My Business.
Spread the word about your business in Bing Places and Google My Business. Share on XBounce rate
Bounce rate refers to the percentage of website visitors who enter and then leave without continuing to visit other pages on the same site.
A high bounce rate is a problem. Enough said. Share on XThe bounce rate can be defined as the proportion of visitors to a website page or site that exit after visiting a single page only, usually expressed as a percentage. – Dr Dave Chaffey, Co-founder and Content Director of Smart Insights
Brand awareness
Brand awareness refers to a consumer’s level of consciousness about a company’s product or service. It also refers to recognizing a brand and associating it with its products and services.
Brand awareness is the extent to which consumers are aware of a particular product or service provided by a company. Share on XYour brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room. – Jeff Bezos, CEO at Amazon
Brand campaign
Your products, services, and the message your company sends are all present in a brand campaign that has the purpose of increasing brand awareness and brand equity.
A brand campaign needs to create, develop, change, and draw interest in a brand with the right communication. Share on XIt takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently. – Warren Buffett, CEO at Berkshire Hathaway
Brand spend
A brand spend refers to the amount of money you spend on an advertising campaign to increase your brand’s value.
A brand spend doesn't need to be high to make a huge impact. Share on XWe’re obviously going to spend a lot in marketing because we think the product sells itself. – Jim Allchi, Former Executive at Microsoft
Branding/Brand image
Branding refers to the identity of a product, a service, or a company. It combines elements like the name, logo, design style, tone of voice, price, packaging, reputation, history.
Branding is about how your company looks in your customers' eyes. Share on XBranding is the art of aligning what you want people to think about your company with what people actually do think about your company. And vice-versa. – Jay Baer, Founder of Convince & Convert Consulting
Read more: Branding 101: Everything You Need to Know About Visual Identity
Broken ad call
A broken ad call is the opposite of an ad call, meaning that the ad tag fails to retrieve an ad, and you cannot see the ad on the screen. Imagine you are on a website, and above the fold, there is a long ad code instead of the actual ad. This means that you see a broken ad call because the ad code is broken, so it doesn’t show the ad.
No one wants broken ad calls—neither the publisher nor the advertiser. Share on XBuyer persona
The buyer persona represents your ideal customer.
You cannot have a successful business if you don't know your buyer persona. Share on XIt turns out that people – in every country in the world, there’s a segment of buyer that wants the best product and the best experience. And that’s what we’re about providing. – Tim Cook, CEO at Apple
Buyer’s journey
The buyer’s journey describes the customer’s path towards buying a product/service, starting with awareness, interest, consideration, and making the final decision.
Before the buyer takes your journey, you must take it first. Share on XThe buyer journey is nothing more than a series of questions that must be answered. – International Data Corporation
The cache is temporary storage where data is retrieved from websites and apps to load faster.
Your cache knows what you saw. Share on XCall to action
A call to action is a button or a piece of text that invites the user to take a certain action, whether it’s visiting a website or making a purchase.
A CTA is a short, powerful text that prompts visitors, leads, and customers to take action. Share on XCampaign manager
A campaign manager has to plan and carry out successful marketing campaigns. They have to think of strategies for the customers, create the audience funnel, create audience segmentation, etc.
You can tell when you have a good campaign manager. Share on XCustomer lifetime value (CLTV)
Customer lifetime value is a metric that indicates the revenue a business can acquire from a customer throughout the entire lifespan. CLV is important because it shows how much value a lifetime customer brings to your business.
Caring for your customers can help you increase the customer lifetime value. Share on XCompanion ad
As the name says, a companion ad is an additional ad to a video or audio ad, that you can click on after the video or audio ad has ended to find out more about the product or service.
Give potential customers the chance to learn more about your product or service by adding a companion ad to your video. Share on XContextual targeting
Contextual targeting refers to a situation where the placement of a display ad on a website matches the type of products sold in the ad.
Contextual targeting is key to showing your display ads on websites relevant to what you’re selling. Share on XConversion
Conversion defines the number of people that perform the call to action you intended them to.
Conversions are the best way to measure performance because it tells you if your ads are successful. Share on XRead more: Powerful Marketing Design Tips That Drive More Conversions
Conversion pixel
A conversion pixel is a piece of code on your website which helps you track down actions of your visitors, such as redirection to other pages, if products are added to carts, what people purchase, etc.
Knowing how your potential customers interact with your website can help you see where you have blockers. Share on XConversion rate
Conversion rate is the number of visitors to a website or viewers of an ad who have completed the desired action (a conversion), whether it’s buying a product, creating an account, etc.
Every marketer's and advertiser's dream is to have as many conversions as possible. Share on XRead more: Top Performing Banner Ad Sizes in 2022 That Bring the Best Conversions
Conversion tracking
Conversion tracking is a tool provided by Google that helps you know what happens after someone interacts with your ads.
If you use conversion tracking, you will have a clear idea of the ads that make people take action. Share on XCookie
In the online world, cookies are small files created by the websites you visit that store information about your preferences. They help you stay logged in or remember your location. Cookies are also collected by advertisers in order to help them create more relevant content for their targeted audience.
Cookies tailor your website experience. Share on XCopywriting
Copywriting is the process of writing content used in advertising and marketing to persuade people to take the desired action.
Great copywriting can have a direct impact on conversion rates. Share on XWhen I write an advertisement, I don’t want you to tell me that you find it ‘creative.’ I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product. – David Ogilvy, known as the “Father of Advertising”, Founder of Ogilvy & Mather
Cost per engagement (CPE)
Cost-per-engagement means that advertisers pay only when the users engage with the ad. An engagement can be anything from liking to commenting or sharing the content.
Calculating CPE is an intelligent way to measure specific advertising campaigns. Share on XCost per install (CPI)
Cost per install means the advertiser has to pay for every installation that comes from the ad and is specific for mobile apps. The formula used for seeing how much you have to pay for the cost per install is quite simple: you have to divide the total ad spend by the total number of installs.
Cost per install is a popular metric used in advertising when promoting mobile apps. Share on XCost per lead (CPL)
Cost per lead is a pricing model which refers to the amount of money it takes to bring new leads through advertising.
If only CPL was as low as possible but generated as high as possible. Share on XCost per thousand (CPM)
Cost per thousand refers to the price of 1,000 ad impressions on a single webpage.
An impression measures how many times an ad was displayed on a webpage but not how many times it was clicked on. The CTR does that measurement. Share on XRead more: CPC vs CPA vs CPM – Understanding Online Advertising Price
Cost per acquisition (CPA)
Cost per acquisition, also known as cost per conversion or cost per action, is the metric that measures how much it costs to acquire new customers by having them perform a certain action, which can be defined as a purchase, downloading something, or a signing up.
CPA is a marketing metric used to measure how much it costs a user to perform a certain action. Share on XRead more: CPC vs CPA vs CPM – Understanding Online Advertising Price
Cost per click (CPC)
Cost per click is a pricing model and it represents the amount you pay for each click of your PPC campaigns. Sometimes using the CPC, you can often pay for accidental clicks or people who clicked only for curiosity but were not actually interested in your product or service. To find what is your average cost per click you have to divide the total cost of your clicks by the total number of clicks.
You can increase your CPC by creating compelling and creative ads. Share on XRead more: CPC vs CPA vs CPM – Understanding Online Advertising Price
Creative agency
A creative agency offers various services from marketing to design for companies that are looking for fresh ideas in order to reach their goals.
Creative agencies offer a combination of different services that help companies widen their perspective and reach through marketing. Share on XConversion rate optimization (CRO)
Conversion rate optimization defines all the actions that are taken to increase conversion rates. This is usually done by analyzing users’ behavior and tweaking different things or using A/B testing.
Optimizing the conversion rate is an ongoing process. Share on XCross-device targeting
Cross-device targeting refers to delivering ads to your audience across a variety of devices while keeping the messaging consistent.
Cross-device targeting helps you deliver a multi-device experience for your audience. Share on XCross-device marketing
Cross-device marketing means identifying your target audience on various devices and delivering relevant ads to them.
Cross-device marketing helps target your audience on any device they’re using. Share on XClickthrough rate (CTR)
Clickthrough rate represents the ratio that tells you how many people click on your ads compared to the number of impressions.
A high CTR is a good indication that users find your ads valuable and relevant. Share on XRead more: How To Increase Your Display Ads Click Through Rate
Customer acquisition (CAC)
Customer acquisition cost is a metric that measures how much a company spends to acquire a new customer. The formula to calculate the CAC is simple. You have to divide the total cost of sales and marketing by the number of customers acquired. For example, if you spend $20,000 to acquire 1,000 customers, your CAC is $20.
Customer acquisition costs can determine how effective the marketing and sales strategies are. Share on XCustomer marketing
Customer marketing defines any marketing campaign that targets your current customers. This is a good strategy that drives consumer retention and loyalty.
If someone buys your product, your job is not necessarily done. You can further invest in actions that will turn them into loyal customers. Share on XCustomer retention
Customer retention is the ability to transform your customers into repeat buyers so they don’t switch to a competitor.
Customer retention is key to growing your business and can help you transform one-time customers into loyal ones. Share on XCustomer support
Customer support defines the services your team provides to resolve customer problems and help them understand how your product works.
Customer support is like a psychologist: it needs to understand its users and help them solve their problems. Share on XYour most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. – Bill Gates, American Business Magnate, Software Developer
Doubleclick digital marketing (DDM)
DoubleClick Digital Marketing is an ad technology platform offered by Google where advertisers can create, manage, and grow high-impact digital campaigns from start to finish.
DoubleClick Digital Marketing platform can help you manage your marketing campaigns from start to finish across multiple channels. Share on XDemand-side platform (DSP)
A demand-side platform is a type of software used by advertisers to buy advertising from a marketplace with the help of automation.
Advertisers can bid automatically across many networks using a demand-side platform in real-time. Share on XDirect response
Direct response is a type of marketing used to obtain instant action from your audience (subscribe to a channel, newsletter, etc.). An example of direct response is the CTA is “Buy now” on an ecommerce website.
To obtain immediate response from your potential customers, use direct response marketing. Share on XDisplay ad
A display ad is a type of online advertisement displayed on a webpage. It can be a combination of different elements like text, images, flash, video, and audio.
Display advertising is a popular form of advertising on websites that can help you build brand awareness. Share on XEvery ad is an investment in the long-term image of a brand. – David Ogilvy, known as the “Father of Advertising”, Founder of Ogilvy & Mather
Drip campaign
Drip campaigns contain a series of automated emails triggered by a user’s actions and can be personalized.
Thank your customers for signing up, subscribing to your newsletter, or after making a purchase. Let them know you care. Share on XDynamic content
Dynamic content is content on a webpage or in an email that changes based on behavior or preferences. For example, you can let them see different messages based on different actions.
Dynamic content is a way to display different messaging on your website based on the information you already know about the visitor. Share on XE
Exit pop-up
Exit pop-ups are overlays on a website that appear on the screen when the visitor is about to exit your website and has the purpose of convincing them to stay.
Exit pop-ups can sometimes make visitors change their minds about leaving your website. Share on XExpandable banner
An expandable banner is a banner that has two sizes. The smaller one fits within a standard banner ad space, while the large size can expand in any direction and exceeds the initial ad size.
If your banner ad has a small and expendable size, you've got an expandable banner. Share on XEye-tracking
Eye-tracking measures eye movement and eye position. In digital marketing, eye tracking is used to determine where people look more on a page and strategically place CTAs or important information.
To know where to strategically place your CTAs, you should use eye tracking on your website. Share on XF
Facebook ad spend
Facebook ad spend refers to the amount of money you spend on advertising campaigns on Facebook.
Facebook ad spend can vary from one campaign to another. Share on XRead more: [Case Study] Facebook and Instagram Ads: $2,500 Ad Spend and +350% ROI
Facebook ads
Facebook ads are ads displayed in Facebook’s feed. It’s a type of advertising that helps you target Facebook users based on their activity, demographics, age, engagement, and more.
An advertisement created by a business on Facebook is called a Facebook ad. Share on XRead more: How to Create Animated Facebook Ads that Convert
In advertising, frequency defines the number of times a person is exposed to an ad and it can influence whether someone becomes a customer or not. There’s no perfect frequency for converting your audience so you must test and discover what works best for you.
You can bring in more customers by tweaking the frequency of ad exposure. Share on XFrequency capping
Frequency capping is a feature that lets you control the number of times your display or video ad will appear to the same person.
Sometimes, it can be annoying to keep seeing the same ad repeatedly. To avoid this, you can use frequency capping. Share on XG
Geo-targeting is the practice of delivering advertising messages to a user based on their geographic location. Be aware of how you use the geo-targeting practice and make sure you provide people with relevant ads.
When you practice geo-targeting, make sure you know your audience. Share on XGoogle Ads
Google Ads, formerly Google AdWords, is Google’s program for online advertising. This program helps you reach the people interested in your products or services.
Use Google's online advertising program Google Adwords to create and promote ad campaigns, raise awareness or increase traffic on your website. Share on XRead more: Display Advertising: 9 Ways You Can Get Value When Creating Display Ads
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a platform that helps you measure and track how your website performs. It provides many useful insights and data related to how visitors interact with your website, such as how much time users spend on certain pages, your most popular content, which device they use to navigate your website, etc.
Google Analytics provides all the tools you need to understand your website visitors. Share on XGoogle Remarketing
Google Remarketing (also called retargeting) is a technology that allows Google Ads to follow potential customers as they visit different websites that use the Google Ad network. A small snippet of code adds site visitors to your remarketing list. When these visitors are on a different website that uses the Google Ad network, they will be served your ad.
Bring back the customers that did not convert with Google remarketing. Share on XH
Header bidding
Header bidding is a new, unified auction conducted by publishers outside of their primary ad server, allowing advertisers to cherry-pick impressions at the highest priority using programmatic ad platforms.
Header bidding is an additional auction outside of the ad server, in the header of a web page, which loads before anything else on the page. Share on XHeader bidding is a much cleaner and better tech integration between revenue partners, ad tech companies and publishers compared to what’s going on currently. – Jonathan Mendez, CEO at Yieldbot
Heat map
A heat map is a two-dimensional visual representation of a piece of information by using colors. Heat maps can measure the clicks on a web page or show you how visitors navigate on your website. The heat map is like Harry Potter’s Marauder’s map. You can see what everyone’s doing on your website.
A heat map can help you figure out whether website visitors can easily navigate your website and find the information they’re looking for. Share on XHTML5
HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web and it uses a combination of HTML, CSS, Javascript, and APIs. HTML helps to build the structure of the webpage, CSS enhances the look, and Javascript brings functionality to the HTML elements.
HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. Share on XI
Impressions represent the number of times an ad has been displayed, regardless of whether someone clicked on it or not. Impressions don’t guarantee that someone has actually seen your ad.
Impressions represent the number of times an ad has been displayed. Share on XSuccessful social media marketing is not built on impressions. It is built on relationships. – Kim Garst, Founder and CEO at Boom! Social
In-stream video ads
In-stream video ads are video ads that are streamed before, during, or at the end of a video when the viewer’s attention is already captured and thus will be more receptive to the ad.
Get creative with in-stream video ads and build a strong presence online. Share on XInstagram ads
Instagram ads are paid posts that appear in the feed of Instagram users. They have the “Sponsored” label and can have more features like links, CTA buttons, and product catalogs.
Instagram ads can be in the form of posts, stories, videos, or reels. Share on XRead more: [Webinar] How to Grow Your Instagram Account Like Crazy Without Spending a Dime
Integrated markenting
Integrated marketing is a strategy that aims to deliver the same core message about your product or service on all the channels you use for marketing purposes.
Integrated marketing helps you create successful marketing campaigns that are aligned and unified. Share on XInterstitial ads
Interstitial ads are full-screen ads on mobile apps that cover the entire interface of the host’s app and are placed at natural app transition points. If you are playing a game on your smartphone and you reach the next level, an interstitial ad can appear before you begin the next level.
Interstitial ads can become annoying when playing a game on your phone. Share on XInventory
Advertising inventory represents the total number of ads or ad space a publisher has available to sell to advertisers.
Advertising inventory is the total number of ads or ad space a publisher has available to sell to advertisers. Share on XK
Key performance indicator (KPI)
Key performance indicator represents a metric that shows the progress towards an aimed goal. There are business KPIs for the whole company’s performance, and also smaller KPIs for teams and departments such as HR, IT, finance, or marketing. KPIs are important in a company because they help you keep track of progress, keep you and your team on the right track so you can make adjustments if necessary.
Tracking the right KPIs is key to helping you figure out if you are on the right track. Share on XIf you don’t measure it you can’t improve it. – Peter Drucker, Austrian-American Management Consultant
Landing page
A landing page is a web page that usually has a single focus and visitors arrive on it after they click on an ad or any other piece of content.
A landing page is a website page with a single focus and usually aims to convert visitors. Share on XLanging pages need to look appealing, but most of all they need to convert. – Russell Brunson, Co-Founder of ClickFunnels
Lead nurturing
Lead nurturing is the process of developing relationships with buyers at every stage of the sales funnel and through every step of the buyer’s journey. It focuses the marketing and communication efforts on listening to prospects’ needs and providing the information and answers they need.
Lead nurturing is the process of developing relationships with buyers at every stage of the sales funnel and through every step of the buyer’s journey. Share on XLeaderboard
The leaderboard is the term used for a popular display ad format. It is a horizontal rectangular admeasuring 728 pixels wide by 90 pixels tall and can be seen at the top of websites. It is the first ad seen on a page.
A leaderboard ad is a rectangular ad that can be seen first on a webpage. Share on XRead more: Everything You Need to Know about Banner File Sizes in Display Advertising
In simple terms, a lead is an individual or organization interested in what you are selling. The interest is expressed by sharing contact information, like email, phone number, or a social media handle.
A person or an organization interested in what you are selling and has expressed their interest is called a lead. Share on XThe way you position yourself at the beginning of a relationship has a profound impact on where you end up. – Ron Karr, American Speaker, Marketing Consultant
LinkedIn advertising
LinkedIn advertising is a type of advertising that can help you target users with specific job titles, functions, industries, or demographics.
LinkedIn advertising is a powerful tool that can help you build brand recognition, attract more leads, and more. Share on XRead more: How to Use LinkedIn Ads to Boost Your Business
LinkedIn profile
A LinkedIn profile is a personal, professional page where you can write about who you are, what you are interested in, and what you stand for.
A complete LinkedIn profile can help you reflect your professional achievements so that you attract the attention of potential employers. Share on XRead more: LinkedIn Background Photo Ideas That Will Make Your Profile Stand Out
Measurements are necessary as they show you how well your department, teams, ads, campaigns, etc., are performing. Measurements should always be compared to previous months to determine how close you are to reaching your goals.
Measure anything you can to know if you’re moving forward or not with your goals. Share on XMeasurement is fabulous. Unless you’re busy measuring what’s easy to measure as opposed to what’s important. – Seth Godin, Entrepreneur and Former Dot Com Business Executive
Mobile ads
Mobile advertising is a part of mobile marketing. It is a method of advertising where ads appear on mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, or PDAs that have wireless connections. It can be text ads via SMS, videos, mobile games, or banner ads embedded in mobile websites. They are very effective as they are accessible and cost-efficient. Mobile ads can be personalized, and you can be as creative as you can when designing them.
Mobile advertising is a method of advertising where ads are displayed on mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, or PDAs that have wireless connections. Share on XRead more: Mobile Ads. A Complete Guide to Mobile Display Advertising
Native ads
Native ads fully match the look and feel of the website or the platform they appear on. They are also called sponsored content because they are paid media. The name “native” was given to them because their appearance on a website matches the form and function of the platform they are performing on. They can be anything from an article, video, infographic, etc.
Native ads blend in smoothly on the web pages they are displayed on. Share on XO
Online advertising
Online advertising is an effective way for businesses of all sizes to expand their reach, find new customers, and diversify their revenue streams through advertising on different platforms. There are different types of online advertising such as social media, content marketing, email marketing, SEM, display advertising, mobile advertising, or native advertising. Online advertising is more than just showcasing your offering online. It is about telling customers why your products or services are important and differentiating them from the competition. It can even be about educating your target audience about what you sell.
Online advertising sums up all social media advertising, paid search advertising, native advertising, and display advertising. Share on XOptimization
Optimization is the process that you use to make the most out of something or figure out ways in which you can improve certain things. Imagine you are part of the marketing department and you have a tight budget for a future marketing campaign. You will need to optimize the way you spend that amount in order to get good results.
When working in digital marketing, you’re in a continuous state of optimization. Share on XOutbound marketing
Outbound marketing is the type of marketing that pushes its messaging to people to see if they are interested in the products or services they are selling. One of the most common examples is the old door-to-door sales, TV ads, cold calling, cold emails, etc. The difference between inbound and outbound marketing is that, with inbound, you draw people towards your products and services. In contrast, with outbound marketing, you bring the message about your products and services to anyone to see if they are interested or not.
Outbound marketing efforts are hard to measure. Try going the inbound way. Share on XOverlay ads
An overlay ad is a pop-up ad, and it covers about 20% of the bottom of a video screen. Overlay ads are between 15-30 seconds long and usually close automatically unless you interact with them. If you click on the ad, it will take you to a dedicated landing page. You’ve most likely seen these types of ads on YouTube while you were watching a video.
Overlays ads are types of ads that pop up while you watch a video on YouTube, but they can be closed at any time. Share on XP
Pay per lead (PPL)
Pay per lead is an online advertising payment model in which the advertiser commits to bring leads and gets paid by a commission. The leads are rated depending on their quality and how close their pre-rolls are to becoming customers.
Brands only pay for leads that have expressed an interest in their service. Share on XPay per sale (PPS)
Pay per sale is an online advertising payment model in which the website owner is paid based on the number of sales generated by advertisements featured on their website. This pricing model is more favorable for advertisers rather than publishers.
Using pay per sale advertising, you are more likely to secure a sale. Share on XPop-under ads
A pop-under ad is an ad that opens in a new window behind the one you were currently viewing. They are less intrusive than pop-up ads. Users usually see them before closing the browser tabs, but their advantage is that they are a useful way of overcoming banner blindness.
Pop-under ads or pop-up ads? Which side are you on? Share on XPop-up ad
A pop-up ad is an ad that opens in a new window. When a user action initiates the program, such as a mouse click or a mouseover, a window containing an offer for some product or service appears in the foreground of the visual interface.
Pop-up ads feel like a surprise that no one asked for. Share on XPost-roll ad
A post-roll ad is an ad that starts after a video finishes and is typically 10 to 15 seconds long. Depending on your objective, this type of ad might be a good option for you but it won’t work in all cases.
Don’t overlook post-roll ads because they can effectively catch people's attention at the end of a video. Share on XPay per click (PPC)
Pay-per-click is an advertising model in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked on. PPC is available on both social media platforms and search engines.
PPC is a model in which advertisers pay a fee every time someone clicks on their ad. Share on XPre-roll ad
A pre-roll ad is an ad that appears before an online video and is typically 10 to 60 seconds long. This type of an can be extremely effective at building brand awareness and brand engagement.
A pre-roll ad has a higher chance of drawing attention than any type of ad that appears when watching a video. Share on XProgrammatic media buying
Programmatic media buying refers to the use of technology to buy or sell online advertising space as opposed to manual methods. This is how it works: a user lands on a website, the website owner puts the ad impression up for auction, advertisers bid, the highest bidder wins the ad impression, and the ad is served to the user. Programmatic media buying utilizes data and algorithms to serve your ads to the right user, at the right time, at the right price.
One of the most significant advantages of programmatic media buying is that everything is automated. Share on XPromoted pins
Promoted pins are just like regular pins, except that they are like a paid ad and target a certain audience. They look and behave just like a normal pin and can help you reach a certain demographic.
Promoted or not, Pinterest pins are great. Share on XPromoted tweets
Promoted tweets are normal tweets in the form of an ad and can be used by advertisers who want to reach a wider group of users or spark engagement from their existing followers.
Promoted tweets help you get your message in front of more people. Share on XPublisher
A publisher is a person that owns the digital space where the ads will be seen. Advertisers display the ads they create for a display advertising campaign.
A publisher owns digital space and is where ads will be displayed when someone runs an advertising campaign. Share on XQ
Quora ads
Quora ads allow you to reach Quora users based on contextual and behavioral targeting. You can select an objective such as conversions, traffic, awareness, app Installs, or lead gen.
Quora is a great place to advertise because millions of people ask questions every month. Share on XRead more: Reddit Ads vs. Quora Ads – The $2,500 Experiment
Reach represents the total number of people who have viewed your ad or content. Reach can tell you if your ads are performing well or not. If you reach many people but you don’t have many clicks or conversions, it means you must change something about your ad or targeting.
If you reach many people, but you don’t have that many conversions, it means that you need to change something about your setup or ad. Share on XReddit ads
Reddit Ads allow advertisers to reach engaging communities. They are cost-effective and can bring high engagement from users. You can buy ads on Reddit on a cost-per-mille (CPM) basis or for the price of 1,000 impressions.
If your target audience is on Reddit, you should consider advertising here. Share on XReferral marketing
Referral marketing is a method of encouraging customers to spread the word about your business to their friends and recommend you.
Even though referral marketing happens organically, you can also encourage your current customers to talk about your company as well. Share on XRemarketing
Remarketing is a form of advertising where you serve ads to people who have visited your website but have not taken any action. When people leave your website without buying anything, for example, remarketing helps you reconnect with them by showing relevant ads across the different devices they are using.
If visitors leave your website without taking any action, you can use remarketing to remind them about your company and make them come back. Share on XReturn on ad spend (ROAS)
Return on ad spend (ROAS) is an important metric that measures the revenue earned for every dollar spent on a digital advertising campaign.
Return on ad spend shows how efficient your digital advertising campaigns are in generating revenue. Share on XRich media
Rich media is a digital advertising term for an ad that includes advanced features like video, audio, or other elements that encourage viewers to interact and engage with the content.
Rich media is an ad that includes advanced features like video, audio, or other elements that encourage viewers to interact and engage with it. Share on XRun-of-network (RON)
Run of Network defines a publisher that allows ads to target all available ad inventory within their network. When you run Run of Network advertising, you cannot specify what types of websites or placements your ad will be displayed on.
Run of Network advertising can place your ads on a variety of websites. Share on XRun-of-site (ROS)
Run of Site refers to ads that can be placed anywhere on a given website. Instead of having a large banner ad on the side, you may have your ad displayed at the bottom, meaning you cannot control the placement of the ad. Run of Site advertising is cheaper and less targeted.
Run-of-site advertising is best used if the ad is relevant to a broad audience instead of a narrow one. Share on XS
Schema markup
Schema markup is code that you add to your website and has the purpose to provide more information about the content to help the search engines return accurate information.
Search engine results offer more information about a website due to schema markup because that way, they can better understand the website information/content. Share on XSurround sessions
Surround sessions mean that an advertiser has their ads displayed for viewers throughout an entire site visit.
Seeing the ads of the same brand throughout an entire site is a surround session. Share on XT
Target audience
The target audience represents the group of people that are identified as most likely to buy your product or service. To identify your target audience, you have to analyze your current customers, conduct marketing research, analyze your competitors, and more. Most importantly, always revise your results and continue to analyze. You can create the coolest ads, but if you’re showing them to the wrong audience, you won’t see any results.
Knowing how your target audience is will help you define your marketing strategy. Share on XRead more: 1: Advertise For Your Target Audience
In online advertising, targeting refers to the practice of advertisers attempting to reach a specific audience.
Every product or service has an audience. You must target the right one for your business to succeed. Share on XTiktok ads
Tiktok Ads are TikToks uploaded as promoted posts. There are several adoptions to reach your target audience. To access all of them, you will need a TikTok ad account manager.
TikTok Ads are a great way to build brand awareness. Share on XRead more: [Case Study] TikTok Ads vs. Instagram Reels Ads: Which Performs Better?
Twitter ads
Twitter Ads are paid posts that help you spread the word out about your business in front of a specific audience. Having a Twitter Ads account lets you set up, run, and analyze your ad campaigns on Twitter.
Twitter offers a variety of advertising options, so you can choose the one that fits your business goals. Share on XRead more: Twitter Image Sizes Guide
Unique selling proposition (UPS)
Your unique selling proposition is a clear statement that describes the benefit of your offer, how you solve your customer’s needs and what distinguishes you from the competition. The USP should appear prominently on your landing page and in every marketing campaign.
Every business should have a unique selling proposition that lets the target audience know what your business is about, what you sell, who you target, and why you are better than the competition. Share on XRead more: 5: Everything You Wanted to Know About Value Proposition (W/ Examples)
User experience (UX)
User experience defines the overall perception a user has when interacting with a brand, product, or service. It is all about creating a user-friendly product through all the user journeys, and it has the purpose of delighting users with a product or service that is efficient and easy to use.
UX should be the primary focus when building a product, website, or app. Share on XUser intent
User intent refers to someone’s intentions when they perform a certain action. It can be gleaned from what they were searching for in the first place. Are they just researching, or are they comparing prices? Understanding user intent allows you to deliver the right content to the right prospects at the right time.
Understanding user intent allows you to deliver the right content to the right prospects at the right time. Share on XV
Vertical banner ad (Skyscraper ad)
A skyscraper ad is a vertical banner measuring 120x600px or 160x600px. The name defines its tallness and thinness compared to other banner ad formats. Creating skyscraper ads can be more difficult due to its shape, but if you pay attention to some important aspects, the banner will stand out. It must have a balanced design, it has to be catchy and creative, and a clear message.
Skyscraper ads can be more challenging to create, but they can draw more attention to a webpage. Share on XRead more: The Rise of Vertical Banner Ads
View through
View-through conversions refer to conversions that occur after an impression is made and that person later converts. They can help you track the value of your ad campaigns, and what is most important, the view-through conversions exclude the conversions from people who have interacted with any other ads from you.
Everything that can be measured should be measured as it can tell you a lot about your audience. Share on XX
X (Close ad button)
X represents the small sign, usually in the top right corner of an ad, that allows users to opt-out of receiving specific ads and reporting ads that cover page content. This close ad button is an essential element that shows that you consider your audience and respect their decision if they don’t want to see your ad.
All ads should have a close button. Share on XRead more: Close ad button – Why? When? How?
Yahoo! Native
Yahoo! Native is a marketplace where you can create search and native ads. These are shown only to people who had contact with your product or service before. The ads will not appear on the result pages but can appear anywhere on a page: top, bottom, sides, or in the middle of the page.
Yahoo! Native is a good alternative to Google Ads. Share on XYoutube ads
YouTube Ads are a great way to advertise your company on YouTube or in search results. This way, you can reach more potential customers. Through YouTube advertising, you have several options when it comes to ad placement, it can start before a video, during, or after. Or it can show up on the search result pages for people to watch it.
With YouTube Ads, you can reach new audiences that are already engaged with the content they’re watching. Share on XRead more: [Case Study] We Spent $6,797 to Test YouTube Audio Ads vs. Video Ads